The Human Ecology College Symbol

The college symbol of Human Ecology a first impression provide a sense of harmony in relationships, of oneness in origin and of beautyin simplicity. The Green color of the symbol expresses hope. Each Department within the College hopes to work together harmoniously to contribute its unique share toward the accomplishment of their common mission. Upon further analysis, the symbol can be interpreted to signify the threefold mission of the College. The central element of the symbol unites three evolving spirals of different height bending inward. The spirals forms symbolize the family: mother, father and child. The closeness and blending of form represents and intimate relationship and communicate a sense of mutual belonging, love, reverence, humility and care.

The promotion of the well-being of the family is the central mission of the College of Human Ecology. All the more so since, as Chinese, we consider the family the basic unit of society. This mission is related to and can be realized through optimal provision of such basic human needs and wants as food, clothing, and shelter (the home) which constitute the central academic concerns of the various Departments and institutes within the College. The spirals emerge from a plain green background. Green symbolizes the natural environment. Since the health and well-being of the family depends to a great extent on the resources and delights provided by nature. The College promotes ecological consciousness. Such consciousness is essentially related to another important mission of the College namely, the promotion of responsible consumer behavior in the purchase of material goods, the use of resources, the choice of one's lifestyle. Enlightened consumer power is considered decisive for the future of our island country and our planet Earth. The three spirals in the midst of the green field are held together by an oval-shaped boundary.

The perfect oval, from which the three spiral entities emerge, represents the Ultimate Source of Life, Love, and Harmony, imaging the Divine Trinity in Unity or the Eternal Tao. This symbolism relates closely to the third mission of the College: the promotion of a better quality of life for oneself and for each sister and brother of our global human family. Quality of life, above all, has to do with the development of the human being as a “responseable” person, the ability to live life as a unique “response” to the gift and Giver of Life who provides life's meaning, wisdom and strength to all who seek for it with a sincere heart. Hence, quality of life is not a quantitative issue: a matter of “having” but rather a qualitative issue: a matter of “being” and of celebrating it. All in all, the College perceives its threefold mission as a challenge toward less materialism, less individualism, less consumerism onto a journey towards greater simplicity of life, such that its true meaning and beauty can became more transparent and deeply experienced in the heart of each human family.